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SBI OTHER SERVICES IN MAIN MENU GENERATE COI FOR SSS: In this menu kiosk can generate Certificate of Insurance ( Receipt) for customers who are insured in Prdhan Mantri Insurence Schemes like PMJJBY and PMSBY. For use this service Go to SBI Kiosk Main Menu and Select GENERATE COI FOR SSS. Now fill Customer's Account Number and submit. Authorize Finger Print and take Print Out and Provide to Customer. RESET SINGLE FP: Some time Finger Print Device is unable to Capture and authorize Customer's Finger Print. And KIOSK System demand same proper Finger for authentication which is not captured. So in this case KIOSK Operator needs to Reset or Change customer's Default finger in authentication system so that other new Finger come in process of authentication and customer can do their Transaction. For this go to SBI Kiosk Main Menu and Select SBI other Services and Click on RESET SINGLE FP Now Fill Customer's CIF Number not Account Number and click submi...